Friday 29 March – Good Friday
0930 Liturgy of the Cross
1200 Three hour devotions led by the Very Rev Kelvin Holdsworth and the Rev Cedric Blakey
1930 Stations of the Cross led by members of the congregation
Saturday 30 March – Holy Saturday
09.30 Morning Prayer
10.00 Church spring cleaning – jobs for everyone
Sunday 31 March – Easter Day
0700 Vigil Mass including Easter Fire, Baptism and Confirmation.
1030 Choral Eucharist (1982) – Preacher the Very Rev Kelvin Holdsworth
1830 Festal Choral Evensong
Daily Prayer takes place from Monday to Saturday at 0930 in church.
Evening Prayer takes place on Saturday at 1700 online via a Google+ Hangout.
More details of online Evening Prayer
A said midweek Eucharist takes place every Thursday at 1100.