Sung Evensong takes place at 5 pm every Sunday. Admission free. No tickets required.
Installation of the Rev Canon Stephen Hazlett
The Installation of the Rev Stephen Hazlett as a canon of St Mary’s Cathedral will take place on Sunday 27 January 2022 at 5 pm during a service of Choral Evensong.
This service is open to everyone and members of the diocese are particularly invited to attend. Bishop Kevin will lead the service and the sermon will be given by the Rt Rev Gordon Mursell.
Members of the clergy and lay readers are invited to robe – choir dress (black cassock, white surplice and black tippet/blue reader’s scarf).
Clergy and lay readers who are intending to robe are invited to let the cathedral office know that they are coming in order to help determine seating arrangements.
No-one needs to book in advance for this service.
Worship Livestream 6 February 2022
The Livestream link for 6 February 2022 is:
Donate to St Mary’s
If you would like to make a financial contribution to enable the ministry of St Mary’s Cathedral, please do so.
To give to St Mary’s directly from your bank account, please set up payments to the Clydesdale Bank, sort code 82-20-00 account number 30185232, account name “Cathedral Church of St Mary the Virgin”.
To set up a standing order, please fill in a Bank Standing Order and send it to your bank. If you are a UK tax payer, please also fill in a Gift Aid Declaration as it enables the Cathedral to claim back the tax that you have already paid on the money that you are giving.
You can give by PayPal directly through this website by going to the Paypal Giving Page.
If it is possible for you to do so, please use a form of payment directly to the Cathedral bank account in order to avoid payment fees on PayPal.
If you would like details of how to give by other methods, please contact the Cathedral Office to be put in touch with the Gift Aid Recorder, Alan McCulloch.
Thank you for your offering. If you usually put cash on the plate, please, if you can, find a way of giving electronically at this time to enable the ministry of the Cathedral to continue.
Welcome card and feedback
If you are finding a way into this congregation and would like to make contact, please use the Welcome Card which can be found online here:
If you would like to contact the Provost and the Vice Provost to give feedback on the online worship or for any other reason, please use the following form.
If you wish to join the cathedral electronic mailing list to receive further details about the online worship please do so at this sign-up page:
Please share this page and these resources widely on social media and in any other ways you can think of.
Livestreaming 30 January 2022
The 11 am service on 30 January 2022 was livestreamed.
It can be watched here:
Transcripts of the sermon and intercessions can be found here:
20220130 Jeremiah
20220130 Intercessions
Donate to St Mary’s
If you would like to make a financial contribution to enable the ministry of St Mary’s Cathedral, please do so.
To give to St Mary’s directly from your bank account, please set up payments to the Clydesdale Bank, sort code 82-20-00 account number 30185232, account name “Cathedral Church of St Mary the Virgin”.
To set up a standing order, please fill in a Bank Standing Order and send it to your bank. If you are a UK tax payer, please also fill in a Gift Aid Declaration as it enables the Cathedral to claim back the tax that you have already paid on the money that you are giving.
You can give by PayPal directly through this website by going to the Paypal Giving Page.
If it is possible for you to do so, please use a form of payment directly to the Cathedral bank account in order to avoid payment fees on PayPal.
If you would like details of how to give by other methods, please contact the Cathedral Office to be put in touch with the Gift Aid Recorder, Alan McCulloch.
Thank you for your offering. If you usually put cash on the plate, please, if you can, find a way of giving electronically at this time to enable the ministry of the Cathedral to continue.
Welcome card and feedback
If you are finding a way into this congregation and would like to make contact, please use the Welcome Card which can be found online here:
If you would like to contact the Provost and the Vice Provost to give feedback on the online worship or for any other reason, please use the following form.
If you wish to join the cathedral electronic mailing list to receive further details about the online worship please do so at this sign-up page:
Please share this page and these resources widely on social media and in any other ways you can think of.
Worship for 23 January 2022
This page contains the online service for 23 January 2022 for St Mary’s Cathedral, Glasgow.
The Vice Provost, the Rev Canon Oliver Brewer-Lennon, is the Celebrant at this service, and the Rev Maggie McTernan is the Deacon and Preacher. Shona Maciver leads the Intercessions; Billy Scorgie reads the Gospel; and Lesley Buntain and Iain Milne lead some of the prayers. Magnus Walker sings the mass setting (Holy Trinity Service by Christopher Tambling) with Frikki Walker, organ. The voluntary at the end of the service is ‘Fiat Lux’ by Théodore Dubois (1837-1924) played by Steven McIntyre.
The video of the Sung Eucharist will also be available on Facebook and YouTube. The YouTube video might suit those who prefer to watch on a smart TV.
Download a transcript of the service here: Online Worship – 23 Jan 2022
Sung Eucharist
Donate to St Mary’s
If you would like to make a financial contribution to enable the ministry of St Mary’s Cathedral, please do so.
To give to St Mary’s directly from your bank account, please set up payments to the Clydesdale Bank, sort code 82-20-00 account number 30185232, account name “Cathedral Church of St Mary the Virgin”.
To set up a standing order, please fill in a Bank Standing Order and send it to your bank. If you are a UK tax payer, please also fill in a Gift Aid Declaration as it enables the Cathedral to claim back the tax that you have already paid on the money that you are giving.
You can give by PayPal directly through this website by going to the Paypal Giving Page.
If it is possible for you to do so, please use a form of payment directly to the Cathedral bank account in order to avoid payment fees on PayPal.
If you would like details of how to give by other methods, please contact the Cathedral Office to be put in touch with the Gift Aid Recorder, Alan McCulloch.
Thank you for your offering. If you usually put cash on the plate, please, if you can, find a way of giving electronically at this time to enable the ministry of the Cathedral to continue.
Welcome card and feedback
If you are finding a way into this congregation and would like to make contact, please use the Welcome Card which can be found online here:
If you would like to contact the Provost and the Vice Provost to give feedback on this worship or for any other reason, please use the following form.
If you wish to join the cathedral electronic mailing list to receive further details about the online worship please do so at this sign-up page:
Please share this page and these resources widely on social media and in any other ways you can think of.
Worship for 16 January 2022
Worship for the Second Sunday after the Epiphany takes place both in church and online. Seats for the worship taking place in church can be booked at
Bishop Kevin leads Online Worship for the Scottish Episcopal Church this week, which also forms the online worship for the Cathedral. It will be published at 11 am here: This service includes music from Cathedral musicians and prayers and readings led by members of the congregation.
Sung Eucharist
Donate to St Mary’s
If you would like to make a financial contribution to enable the ministry of St Mary’s Cathedral, please do so.
To give to St Mary’s directly from your bank account, please set up payments to the Clydesdale Bank, sort code 82-20-00 account number 30185232, account name “Cathedral Church of St Mary the Virgin”.
To set up a standing order, please fill in a Bank Standing Order and send it to your bank. If you are a UK tax payer, please also fill in a Gift Aid Declaration as it enables the Cathedral to claim back the tax that you have already paid on the money that you are giving.
You can give by PayPal directly through this website by going to the Paypal Giving Page.
If it is possible for you to do so, please use a form of payment directly to the Cathedral bank account in order to avoid payment fees on PayPal.
If you would like details of how to give by other methods, please contact the Cathedral Office to be put in touch with the Gift Aid Recorder, Alan McCulloch.
Thank you for your offering. If you usually put cash on the plate, please, if you can, find a way of giving electronically at this time to enable the ministry of the Cathedral to continue.
Welcome card and feedback
If you are finding a way into this congregation and would like to make contact, please use the Welcome Card which can be found online here:
If you would like to contact the Provost and the Vice Provost to give feedback on this worship or for any other reason, please use the following form.
If you wish to join the cathedral electronic mailing list to receive further details about the online worship please do so at this sign-up page:
Please share this page and these resources widely on social media and in any other ways you can think of.
Online Evening Prayer
Online Evening Prayer will be offered in an live Zoom service on Saturday at 5 pm.
The Zoom link for this meeting is:
Meeting ID: 989 9183 0332
Password: 021197
Liturgy Link: 20220115 Online Evening Prayer – Week A
Worship for 9 January 2022
This page contains the online service for 9 January 2022 for St Mary’s Cathedral, Glasgow
The Vice Provost, the Rev Canon Oliver Brewer-Lennon is the celebrant at this service and the Provost, the Very Rev Kelvin Holdsworth is the preacher. Intercessions are led by Robert Mawditt and the gospel is read by Bob Leslie. Some of the prayers are led by Ruth Marshall and Jim McKillop. The setting is the Tambling Holy Trinity Service sung by Magnus Walker with Frikki Walker, Organ. The music at the end of the service is Wie schon leuchtet der Morgenstern – Pachelbel played by Steven McIntyre.
Read a transcript of the service here: Online Worship – 9 Jan 2022
Sung Eucharist
Donate to St Mary’s
If you would like to make a financial contribution to enable the ministry of St Mary’s Cathedral, please do so.
To give to St Mary’s directly from your bank account, please set up payments to the Clydesdale Bank, sort code 82-20-00 account number 30185232, account name “Cathedral Church of St Mary the Virgin”.
To set up a standing order, please fill in a Bank Standing Order and send it to your bank. If you are a UK tax payer, please also fill in a Gift Aid Declaration as it enables the Cathedral to claim back the tax that you have already paid on the money that you are giving.
You can give by PayPal directly through this website by going to the Paypal Giving Page.
If it is possible for you to do so, please use a form of payment directly to the Cathedral bank account in order to avoid payment fees on PayPal.
If you would like details of how to give by other methods, please contact the Cathedral Office to be put in touch with the Gift Aid Recorder, Alan McCulloch.
Thank you for your offering. If you usually put cash on the plate, please, if you can, find a way of giving electronically at this time to enable the ministry of the Cathedral to continue.
Welcome card and feedback
If you are finding a way into this congregation and would like to make contact, please use the Welcome Card which can be found online here:
If you would like to contact the Provost and the Vice Provost to give feedback on this worship or for any other reason, please use the following form.
If you wish to join the cathedral electronic mailing list to receive further details about the online worship please do so at this sign-up page:
Please share this page and these resources widely on social media and in any other ways you can think of.
Podcast for the Epiphany
A podcast from St Mary’s Cathedral, Glasgow for the Feast of the Epiphany (6 January 2022) • Art historian Dr Deborah Lewer examines Pieter Bruegel the Elder’s ‘The Adoration of the Kings in the Snow’ (Epiphany), 1563
MUSIC: Neil Stewart, accordion
PHOTOGRAPHY: ‘Inside Bruegel’, an initiative from the Kunsthistorisches Museum in Vienna • (used with permission)
SPECIAL THANKS to Kunsthistorisches Museum, Vienna; Inside Bruegel; Oskar Reinhart Collection ‘Am Römerholz’, Winterthur; The University of Glasgow
Podcast script by Dr Deborah Lewer, adapted from her earlier article, ‘On Not Seeing Bruegel (Epiphany)’ published January 6, 2020 in The Other Journal.
Produced by the Rev Canon Oliver Brewer-Lennon for St Mary’s Cathedral, Glasgow
Worship for 2 January 2022
This page contains the online service for 2 January 2022 for St Mary’s Cathedral, Glasgow
Note that the Feast of the Holy Name, usually celebrated on 1 January will be celebrated at all three services this weekend – the online service and both services in church.
The Provost, the Very Rev Kelvin Holdsworth is the celebrant at this service and the Canon Missioner the Rev Canon Audrey O’Brien-Stewart is the preacher. Intercessions are led by Pat Bennett and the gospel is read by Suet Teo-Winter. Some of the prayers are led by Bruce and Eleanor Montgomery-Smith, Franny Mawditt and Robert Mawditt. The setting is the Tambling Holy Trinity Service sung by Magnus Walker with Frikki Walker, Organ. The music at the end of the service is Widor – Toccata From Cinquiéme Symphonie also played by Frikki Walker.
The video of the Sung Eucharist will also be available on Facebook and YouTube. The YouTube video might suit those who prefer to watch on a smart TV.
Read a transcript of the service here: 20220101 Online Evening Prayer – Holy Name
Sung Eucharist
Donate to St Mary’s
If you would like to make a financial contribution to enable the ministry of St Mary’s Cathedral, please do so.
To give to St Mary’s directly from your bank account, please set up payments to the Clydesdale Bank, sort code 82-20-00 account number 30185232, account name “Cathedral Church of St Mary the Virgin”.
To set up a standing order, please fill in a Bank Standing Order and send it to your bank. If you are a UK tax payer, please also fill in a Gift Aid Declaration as it enables the Cathedral to claim back the tax that you have already paid on the money that you are giving.
You can give by PayPal directly through this website by going to the Paypal Giving Page.
If it is possible for you to do so, please use a form of payment directly to the Cathedral bank account in order to avoid payment fees on PayPal.
If you would like details of how to give by other methods, please contact the Cathedral Office to be put in touch with the Gift Aid Recorder, Alan McCulloch.
Thank you for your offering. If you usually put cash on the plate, please, if you can, find a way of giving electronically at this time to enable the ministry of the Cathedral to continue.
Welcome card and feedback
If you are finding a way into this congregation and would like to make contact, please use the Welcome Card which can be found online here:
If you would like to contact the Provost and the Vice Provost to give feedback on this worship or for any other reason, please use the following form.
If you wish to join the cathedral electronic mailing list to receive further details about the online worship please do so at this sign-up page:
Please share this page and these resources widely on social media and in any other ways you can think of.