Dear Friend
I’m writing to send details of the Holy Week programme at St Mary’s. Its always a busy time and always a rewarding time too.
This email is also the first one to be written using a new system that has been installed to enable e-mail newsletters to go out to anyone who signs up via the Cathedral website. If your email address has changed then do use the links at the bottom of this email to update your details and if you are a member of the Cathedral, please also drop a line to so that this can be passed on to our roll-keeper, Roger Edwards to make sure our records are up to date.
If you would prefer not to receive further emails, just use the links at the bottom of this email to unsubscribe yourself. Apologies to anyone receiving this who has been signed up twice or with the wrong details or who has already tried to unsubscribe themselves previously. If that applies to you, please simply use the links a the bottom to change or delete your own subscription. Hopefully this system will prove reliable and be a useful way of keeping folk up to date with what’s going on at St Mary’s.
The Cathedral website has also recently been updated – you might like to take a look, if you’ve not seen it already –
Best Wishes for Holy Week
The Very Rev Kelvin Holdsworth
Provost and Rector
Saturday 16 April 2011
1800 Chrism Mass
Note – this is an annual service at which the Bishop blesses the oils which will be used in churches throughout the diocese and the clergy of the Diocese are invited to renew their ordination vows. This year there are two Chrism Masses taking place, one here at one at Castle Douglas.
Palm Sunday 17 April 2011
0830 Holy Communion
1030 Sung Eucharist with reading of the Passion
1830 Choral Evensong
2000 The Open Silence – an hour of shared silence – details here
Palm Crosses will be available at all services on this day.
Monday 18 April 2011
0930 Morning Prayer
1930 Stations of the Cross – lay led liturgy, moving around the Cathedral, following Jesus’s journey to the cross.
Tuesday 19 April 2011
0930 Morning Prayer
1930 Green Lent Eucharist – all welcome – simple Plainsong music.
Maundy Thursay 21 April 2011
0930 Morning Prayer
1100 Eucharist
1930 Sung Eucharist with footwashing and watch at the garden of repose until midnight
Good Friday 22 April 2011
0930 Veneration of the Cross
12 noon – 3 pm Three Hour Devotions – preaching by clergy from St Mary’s joined by the Cathedral Choir from 1400
1930 Meditation in Music at the Foot of the Cross – choral music, hymns and readings for Good Friday
Holy Saturday 23 April 2011
0930 – 1330 Cleaning and Polishing the Church
There are jobs for everyone to do to get the church ready for Easter. Please come and join in.
Easter Day
0700 – Easter Vigil with Bishop Gregor
0830 – Holy Communion
1030 – Festal Eucharist (Music: Schubert in G)
1830 – Festal Evensong with Bishop Gregor