The worship for 19 July 2020 can be found in two videos:
- A Communion Service led by Bishop Kevin from St Mary’s Cathedral
- Videos for members of the Young Church and their households
This week the Eucharist takes the form of a service led by Bishop Kevin from the altar of St Mary’s Cathedral in Glasgow. This is the service which that is being offered for the whole of the Scottish Episcopal Church today. It has been prepared by a member of staff of the General Synod Office in Edinburgh – which is why it is in a slightly different format to our usual services and also why it will not be available until 11 am on Sunday.
The readers are Anne Jones, Marion Noble from the diocesan office and the Provost, the intercessions are led by Robert Mawditt. Music comes from Frikki Walker, Magnus Walker and Rosamond Thomas.
The Service
If you would like to make a financial contribution to enable this ministry, please do so.
To give to St Mary’s directly from your bank account, please set up payments to the Clydesdale Bank, sort code 82-20-00 account number 30185232, account name “Cathedral Church of St Mary the Virgin”.
To set up a standing order, please fill in a Bank Standing Order and send it to your bank. If you are a UK tax payer, please also fill in a Gift Aid Declaration as it enables the Cathedral to claim back the tax that you have already paid on the money that you are giving.
You can give by PayPal directly through this website by going to the Paypal Giving Page.
If it is possible for you to do so, please use a form of payment directly to the Cathedral bank account in order to avoid payment fees on PayPal.
If you would like details of how to give by other methods, please contact the Cathedral Office to be put in touch with the Gift Aid Recorder, Alan McCulloch.
Thank you for your offering. If you usually put cash on the plate, please, if you can, find a way of giving electronically at this time to enable the ministry of the Cathedral to continue.
Young Church
The following videos have been prepared for members of the Young Church by Rosemary Hannah and Sophie Agrell. Organizers of Young Church would love to hear from members. Send artwork, questions and ideas to
Re-opening St Mary’s
The Provost and Vice Provost have begun a series of conversations about how to try to re-open the cathedral for face-to-face worship. This will involve the Leadership Group, the Vestry, the Compliance Group and many individuals who will have roles to play in bringing this about. The guidelines on re-opening churches were published on Tuesday this week and can be read here:
This is not a trivial task and is particularly difficult for larger congregations. St Mary’s normally has around 200 people present for worship on Sundays. The number of people who can be seated at 2 meter distancing in the pews is 44. This gives some idea of how complicated re-opening will be.
A video has been prepared by the Scottish Episcopal Church giving some idea of what can be expected once churches do re-open. This is worth watching and can be seen here:
Welcome card and feedback
If you are finding a way into this congregation and would like to make contact, please use the Welcome Card which can be found online here:
If you would like to contact the Provost and the Vice Provost to give feedback on this worship or for any other reason, please use the following form.
Please select a valid form.
If you wish to join the cathedral electronic mailing list to receive futher details about the online worship please do so at this sign-up page:
Please share this page and these resources widely on social media and in any other ways you can think of.