Worship for Easter Day 2021 takes place both in church and online.
There are three services in church – at 9 am, 11 am and 5 pm. Alll the seats at the morning services have been allocated though a waiting list system is in place in case anyone cancels their seat.
This week the online worship consists of:
- A Sung Eucharist from St Mary’s led by Bishop Kevin
- A song for Young Church members and their households – Goodness is stronger than evil
- Details of a Young Church zoom session
- A hymn – Thine Be The Glory
The service is led by the Bishop of Glasgow and Galloway – the Rt Rev Kevin Pearson and the Provost, the Very Rev Kelvin Holdsworth is the preacher. The Vice Provost, the Rev Canon Oliver Brewer-Lennon leads the intercessions. Heather O’Connor leads some of the prayers and the gospel is read and acclaimed by Marion Bryans, Fergus Mclachlan and Mounes Sakhaei. The Sung setting is by John Rutter and is sung by Rosamond Thomas, accompanied by Frikki Walker. Frikki also accompanies the hymn which is sung by Magnus Walker. The anthem is Haec Dies by Herbert Howells, sung by the cathedral choir on the CD of the same name. At the end of the service, the voluntary is the Toccata from the Fifth Symphony – Charles-Marie Widor which comes from Frikki Walker’s “Notes Tremendous” CD.
The video of the service of Holy Communion will also be available on Facebook and YouTube. The YouTube video might suit those who prefer to watch on a smart TV.
The Easter Day Service
Download a transcript of the service here: Online Worship – Easter Day 2021
The Hymn
Young Church Song
Sung by Christine Walker, accompanied by Frikki Walker.
Words: Desmond Tutu
Young Church Zoom Dates and Details
Young church members are joining in a zoom session today and on a number of upcoming Sundays. The Kitchen Samba Band will be playing to celebrate the resurrection and anyone who wants to dance with paper plates is welcome to do so. The Easter Story will be told through the medium of Lego.
The following days will be the days for zoom sessions for Young Church:
4 & 18 April | 2, 16 & 30 May | 13 & 27 June
10:30 – 11:00 am
Donate to St Mary’s
If you would like to make a financial contribution to enable the ministry of St Mary’s Cathedral, please do so.
To give to St Mary’s directly from your bank account, please set up payments to the Clydesdale Bank, sort code 82-20-00 account number 30185232, account name “Cathedral Church of St Mary the Virgin”.
To set up a standing order, please fill in a Bank Standing Order and send it to your bank. If you are a UK tax payer, please also fill in a Gift Aid Declaration as it enables the Cathedral to claim back the tax that you have already paid on the money that you are giving.
You can give by PayPal directly through this website by going to the Paypal Giving Page.
If it is possible for you to do so, please use a form of payment directly to the Cathedral bank account in order to avoid payment fees on PayPal.
If you would like details of how to give by other methods, please contact the Cathedral Office to be put in touch with the Gift Aid Recorder, Alan McCulloch.
Thank you for your offering. If you usually put cash on the plate, please, if you can, find a way of giving electronically at this time to enable the ministry of the Cathedral to continue.
Welcome card and feedback
If you are finding a way into this congregation and would like to make contact, please use the Welcome Card which can be found online here:
If you would like to contact the Provost and the Vice Provost to give feedback on this worship or for any other reason, please use the following form.
Please select a valid form.
If you wish to join the cathedral electronic mailing list to receive further details about the online worship please do so at this sign-up page:
Please share this page and these resources widely on social media and in any other ways you can think of.