The Vice Provost, the Rev Canon Oliver Brewer-Lennon interviewed the Provost, the Very Rev Kelvin Holdsworth about his own spiritual experience during lockdown, on Sunday 26 July 2020
Online Worship – 2 August 2020
The worship for 2 August 2020 can be found in several videos:
- Three videos that form a service of Holy Communion
- A Hymn – Alleluia Sing to Jesus
- Videos for members of the Young Church and their households
The Vice Provost leads this service from the Cathedral. Other voices come from members of the congregation. This Sunday’s sermon is preached by the Provost. Michael Shanks reads from the Bible, and Taylor Driggers leads the Intercessions. Jennifer Taylor sings the Gloria, Sanctus and Benedictus from the Mass for Sarum Use. At Communion, she sings O Mysterium ineffabile by Lallouette. Frikki Walker is the pianist and organist for this service.
The gospel for this service is the story of the five loaves and two fishes and images of bread have been contributed by David Coleman, Scott Banford, Roger Edwards, Gordon McDougall, David Hanson, Alan Richmond, Patricia Lynch, Christine McIntosh, Debbie Lewer, Elspeth Gibb, Pete Smith, Dawn Driggers, Nigel Raynor, Helen Leslie, Anne Jones, Suet-Lin Teo, Gillian Hollis, Stewart McFarlane and Franny Mawditt.
Download a PDF transcript of the service here:
Online Worship – 2 August 2020
The Gathering
The Ministry of the Word
If you would like to make a financial contribution to enable this ministry, please do so.
To give to St Mary’s directly from your bank account, please set up payments to the Clydesdale Bank, sort code 82-20-00 account number 30185232, account name “Cathedral Church of St Mary the Virgin”.
To set up a standing order, please fill in a Bank Standing Order and send it to your bank. If you are a UK tax payer, please also fill in a Gift Aid Declaration as it enables the Cathedral to claim back the tax that you have already paid on the money that you are giving.
You can give by PayPal directly through this website by going to the Paypal Giving Page.
If it is possible for you to do so, please use a form of payment directly to the Cathedral bank account in order to avoid payment fees on PayPal.
If you would like details of how to give by other methods, please contact the Cathedral Office to be put in touch with the Gift Aid Recorder, Alan McCulloch.
Thank you for your offering. If you usually put cash on the plate, please, if you can, find a way of giving electronically at this time to enable the ministry of the Cathedral to continue.
Hymn – Alleluia Sing to Jesus
Young Church
The following videos have been prepared for members of the Young Church by Rosemary Hannah and Sophie Agrell. Organizers of Young Church would love to hear from members. Send artwork, questions and ideas to
Welcome card and feedback
If you are finding a way into this congregation and would like to make contact, please use the Welcome Card which can be found online here:
If you would like to contact the Provost and the Vice Provost to give feedback on this worship or for any other reason, please use the following form.
If you wish to join the cathedral electronic mailing list to receive futher details about the online worship please do so at this sign-up page:
Please share this page and these resources widely on social media and in any other ways you can think of.
Online worship for 19 July 2020
The worship for 19 July 2020 can be found in two videos:
- A Communion Service led by Bishop Kevin from St Mary’s Cathedral
- Videos for members of the Young Church and their households
This week the Eucharist takes the form of a service led by Bishop Kevin from the altar of St Mary’s Cathedral in Glasgow. This is the service which that is being offered for the whole of the Scottish Episcopal Church today. It has been prepared by a member of staff of the General Synod Office in Edinburgh – which is why it is in a slightly different format to our usual services and also why it will not be available until 11 am on Sunday.
The readers are Anne Jones, Marion Noble from the diocesan office and the Provost, the intercessions are led by Robert Mawditt. Music comes from Frikki Walker, Magnus Walker and Rosamond Thomas.
The Service
If you would like to make a financial contribution to enable this ministry, please do so.
To give to St Mary’s directly from your bank account, please set up payments to the Clydesdale Bank, sort code 82-20-00 account number 30185232, account name “Cathedral Church of St Mary the Virgin”.
To set up a standing order, please fill in a Bank Standing Order and send it to your bank. If you are a UK tax payer, please also fill in a Gift Aid Declaration as it enables the Cathedral to claim back the tax that you have already paid on the money that you are giving.
You can give by PayPal directly through this website by going to the Paypal Giving Page.
If it is possible for you to do so, please use a form of payment directly to the Cathedral bank account in order to avoid payment fees on PayPal.
If you would like details of how to give by other methods, please contact the Cathedral Office to be put in touch with the Gift Aid Recorder, Alan McCulloch.
Thank you for your offering. If you usually put cash on the plate, please, if you can, find a way of giving electronically at this time to enable the ministry of the Cathedral to continue.
Young Church
The following videos have been prepared for members of the Young Church by Rosemary Hannah and Sophie Agrell. Organizers of Young Church would love to hear from members. Send artwork, questions and ideas to
Re-opening St Mary’s
The Provost and Vice Provost have begun a series of conversations about how to try to re-open the cathedral for face-to-face worship. This will involve the Leadership Group, the Vestry, the Compliance Group and many individuals who will have roles to play in bringing this about. The guidelines on re-opening churches were published on Tuesday this week and can be read here:
This is not a trivial task and is particularly difficult for larger congregations. St Mary’s normally has around 200 people present for worship on Sundays. The number of people who can be seated at 2 meter distancing in the pews is 44. This gives some idea of how complicated re-opening will be.
A video has been prepared by the Scottish Episcopal Church giving some idea of what can be expected once churches do re-open. This is worth watching and can be seen here:
Welcome card and feedback
If you are finding a way into this congregation and would like to make contact, please use the Welcome Card which can be found online here:
If you would like to contact the Provost and the Vice Provost to give feedback on this worship or for any other reason, please use the following form.
If you wish to join the cathedral electronic mailing list to receive futher details about the online worship please do so at this sign-up page:
Please share this page and these resources widely on social media and in any other ways you can think of.
test page
Online Worship for 5 July 2020
The worship for 5 July 2020 can be found in several videos:
- Three videos that form a service of Holy Communion
- A hymn
- A video for members of the Young Church and their households
The preacher at this week’s service is the Bishop of Glasgow and Galloway, the Rt Rev Kevin Pearson, who took up this role on Wednesday this week. Bishop Kevin and his wife Elspeth will join the online coffee hour and will be in conversation with the Provost there at 12 noon. Details of how to join have been sent to all on the Cathedral online mailing list. To sign up for this mailing list, please go to the online sign-up form.
The celebrant at this week’s service is the Provost, who conducts the service from the Cathedral. Other voices come from members of the congregation, some of whom are self-isolating at home. The Vice Provost, the Rev Canon Oliver Brewer-Lennon, assists with the service. David Nassar reads from the Bible and Pat Bennett leads the Intercessions. Magnus Walker sings the music for the Ordinary, a setting by Malcolm Archer. The music at communion is sung by the Vice Provost. The hymn, played by the Cathedral’s Director of Music, is ‘Praise to the Lord, the Almighty the King of Creation’ (Lobe den Herren).
This week’s photographs feature some of the places that Bishop Kevin will come to know well during his time as our bishop. During the Gloria, we go doon the watter; during the Sanctus and Benedictus, there are some photographs from the south of the Diocese.
The photo of the town of Moffatt is by James Johnstone and is used here under the license CC BY 2.0.
Download a PDF transcript of the service here:
Online Worship – 5 July 2020
The Gathering
The Ministry of the Word
If you would like to make a financial contribution to enable this ministry, please do so.
To give to St Mary’s directly from your bank account, please set up payments to the Clydesdale Bank, sort code 82-20-00 account number 30185232, account name “Cathedral Church of St Mary the Virgin”.
To set up a standing order, please fill in a Bank Standing Order and send it to your bank. If you are a UK tax payer, please also fill in a Gift Aid Declaration as it enables the Cathedral to claim back the tax that you have already paid on the money that you are giving.
You can give by PayPal directly through this website by going to the Paypal Giving Page.
If it is possible for you to do so, please use a form of payment directly to the Cathedral bank account in order to avoid payment fees on PayPal.
If you would like details of how to give by other methods, please contact the Cathedral Office to be put in touch with the Gift Aid Recorder, Alan McCulloch.
Thank you for your offering. If you usually put cash on the plate, please, if you can, find a way of giving electronically at this time to enable the ministry of the Cathedral to continue.
A Hymn – Praise to the Lord, the Almighty the King of Creation
Young Church
The following videos have been prepared for members of the Young Church by Rosemary Hannah and Sophie Agrell. Organizers of Young Church would love to hear from members. Send artwork, questions and ideas to
Welcome card and feedback
If you are finding a way into this congregation and would like to make contact, please use the Welcome Card which can be found online here:
If you would like to contact the Provost and the Vice Provost to give feedback on this worship or for any other reason, please use the following form.
If you wish to join the cathedral electronic mailing list to receive futher details about the online worship please do so at this sign-up page:
Please share this page and these resources widely on social media and in any other ways you can think of.
Online worship for 21 June 2020
The worship for 21 June 2020 can be found in several videos:
- Three videos that form a service of Holy Communion
- An organ voluntary
- A video for the Young Church and their households – this week from the Vice Provost
- A podcast from Patrick Grady our local MP on Climate Change and International Development – part of the CLIMATETALK series
The Vice Provost, the Rev Canon Oliver Brewer-Lennon, leads this service from the Cathedral. Other voices come from members of the congregation, some of whom are self-isolating at home. This Sunday’s sermon is preached by Sister Helena Barrett OSB. David Hanson reads from the Bible and Taylor Driggers leads the Intercessions. Music of the Ordinary (a setting by Sumsion) provided by Sarah Weir (soprano) and Frikki Walker (organ). Music at communion, ‘Take Up Your Cross’ (words by Charles William Everst and tune Bourbon after a melody by Freeman Lewis), also sung by Morven Bremner (soprano). An Organ Voluntary, Nun Danket Alle Gott by Karg-Elert is played by the Cathedral’s Director of Music and comes from a CD recording entitled ‘Notes Tremendous’.
This week the gospel says “What I say to you in the dark, tell in the light; and what you hear whispered, proclaim from the housetops.” This week’s images consist of Glasgow rooftops. The first picture comes from Wikipedia users Rosser1954 and Ming Yao Chong. Those who know Glasgow might be interested to try to work out where the photographs were taken from. One of them was taken from the top of a building in which several members of the congregation live. These photographs are released according to the Creative Commons Attribution Share Alike license. Consequently, the videos containing them are also released according to the same license. The photographs which are used in the sermon were originally printed in the Chicago Defender – they are used on a fair use basis, also being available on Wikipedia.
Download a PDF transcript of the service here:
Online Worship – 21 June 2020
The Gathering
The Ministry of the Word
If you would like to make a financial contribution to enable this ministry, please do so.
To give to St Mary’s directly from your bank account, please set up payments to the Clydesdale Bank, sort code 82-20-00 account number 30185232, account name “Cathedral Church of St Mary the Virgin”.
To set up a standing order, please fill in a Bank Standing Order and send it to your bank. If you are a UK tax payer, please also fill in a Gift Aid Declaration as it enables the Cathedral to claim back the tax that you have already paid on the money that you are giving.
You can give by PayPal directly through this website by going to the Paypal Giving Page.
If it is possible for you to do so, please use a form of payment directly to the Cathedral bank account in order to avoid payment fees on PayPal.
If you would like details of how to give by other methods, please contact the Cathedral Office to be put in touch with the Gift Aid Recorder, Alan McCulloch.
Thank you for your offering. If you usually put cash on the plate, please, if you can, find a way of giving electronically at this time to enable the ministry of the Cathedral to continue.
An Organ Voluntary
Young Church
Download a PDF transcript of the Young Church video here:
Transcript – Young Church, 21 June 2020
Welcome card and feedback
If you are finding a way into this congregation and would like to make contact, please use the Welcome Card which can be found online here:
If you would like to contact the Provost and the Vice Provost to give feedback on this worship or for any other reason, please use the following form.
If you wish to join the cathedral electronic mailing list to receive futher details about the online worship please do so at this sign-up page:
Please share this page and these resources widely on social media and in any other ways you can think of.
Online Worship for 7 June 2020
The worship for 7 June 2020 can be found in several videos:
- Three videos that form a service of Holy Communion
- An organ voluntary
- A video for members of the Young Church and their households
As access to the cathedral building is restricted, this week’s worship takes the form of a house eucharist hosted by Sister Helena and Sister Alison Joy, members of the Companions of Our Lady and St Mungo. Other voices come from members of the congregation, some of whom are self-isolating at home. This Sunday’s sermon is preached by the Vice Provost, the Rev Canon Oliver Brewer-Lennon. Billy Scorgie reads from the Bible and the Provost, the Very Rev Kelvin Holdsworth, leads the Intercessions from the Cathedral. Magnus Walker sings the Gloria, Sanctus and Benedictus from a setting by Greening accompanied by Frikki Walker. Music at communion is played by Les and Rona MacLeod. The Organ Voluntary played by the Cathedral’s Director of Music comes from a CD recording entitled ‘On A Lighter Note’.
This week, we hear in the gospel of the disciples going to a mountain, to a place that Jesus had directed them. A number of members of the congregation have contributed pictures of mountains, which are included in the worship and are also used for the organ voluntary. These come from Deborah Lewer, Anne Jones, Christine Lowther, Kerry Johnstone, Franny Mawditt, Jinty Stewart, Sister AJ, Sister Helena, Elspeth Gibb, Jim McKillop, Andy Winter, Liffy Grant, Linda Rayner, Stewart MacFarlane and Sue Champion.
Download a PDF transcript of the service here:
Online Worship – Trinity Sunday 2020
The Gathering
The Ministry of the Word
If you would like to make a financial contribution to enable this ministry, please do so.
To give to St Mary’s directly from your bank account, please set up payments to the Clydesdale Bank, sort code 82-20-00 account number 30185232, account name “Cathedral Church of St Mary the Virgin”.
To set up a standing order, please fill in a Bank Standing Order and send it to your bank. If you are a UK tax payer, please also fill in a Gift Aid Declaration as it enables the Cathedral to claim back the tax that you have already paid on the money that you are giving.
You can give by PayPal directly through this website by going to the Paypal Giving Page.
If it is possible for you to do so, please use a form of payment directly to the Cathedral bank account in order to avoid payment fees on PayPal.
If you would like details of how to give by other methods, please contact the Cathedral Office to be put in touch with the Gift Aid Recorder, Alan McCulloch.
Thank you for your offering. If you usually put cash on the plate, please, if you can, find a way of giving electronically at this time to enable the ministry of the Cathedral to continue.
Organ Voluntary
Young Church
The following video has been prepared for members of the Young Church by Rosemary Hannah & Sophie Agrell. Subtitles are provided; click on CC (Close Captions) on the video.
Welcome card and feedback
If you are finding a way into this congregation and would like to make contact, please use the Welcome Card which can be found online here:
If you would like to contact the Provost and the Vice Provost to give feedback on this worship or for any other reason, please use the following form.
If you wish to join the cathedral electronic mailing list to receive futher details about the online worship please do so at this sign-up page:
Please share this page and these resources widely on social media and in any other ways you can think of.
Online Worship for 24 May 2020
The worship for 24 May 2020 can be found in several videos:
- Three videos that form a service of Holy Communion
- An organ voluntary
- Videos for members of the Young Church and their households
- A song for Young Church, the young choristers (and everyone else) to learn
- A candle lighting liturgy for use in the home
- An invitation to provide something for next week’s worship
- A podcast – Health, Mental Health and Climage Change
As access to the cathedral building is restricted, this week’s worship takes the form of a house eucharist hosted by the Provost from his home. Other voices come from members of the congregation, some of whom are self-isolating at home. This Sunday’s sermon is preached by the Vice Provost, the Rev Canon Oliver Brewer-Lennon. Robert and Diane Elliot read from the Bible, Sister AJ Whybrow leads the Intercessions, and the organ voluntary, Adagio from Suite modale, Op 43 (Flor Peeters), was recorded by Steven McIntyre on the organ at Dunblane Cathedral a few weeks ago. Magnus Walker sings the Gloria, Sanctus and Benedictus from a setting by Malcolm Archer accompanied by Frikki Walker. Music at communion is the Allegro from a Telemann A Minor Sonanta played by Les and Rona MacLeod.
In our readings at this time, the disciples receive their great commission to begin from Jerusalem – the place where they are – and move outwards to Judea, Samaria and the ends of the earth. The images in our worship this week begin where the cathedral is located. They also include several maps.
These include …
- a map of Renfrewshire created by Timothy Pont 1560-1614. This map is released by the National Library of Scotland under a Creative Commons Attribution (CC-BY) licence.
- a 12th century plan of Jerusalem from the Natrionale Bibliotheek of the Netherlands available through Wikipedia.
- A map of the world – Gall Peters projection created by Daniel R. Strebe and released under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported licence –
Download a PDF transcript of the service here:
20200524 Online Worship – 7 Easter
The Gathering
The Ministry of the Word
If you would like to make a financial contribution to enable this ministry, please do so.
To give to St Mary’s directly from your bank account, please set up payments to the Clydesdale Bank, sort code 82-20-00 account number 30185232, account name “Cathedral Church of St Mary the Virgin”.
To set up a standing order, please fill in a Bank Standing Order and send it to your bank. If you are a UK tax payer, please also fill in a Gift Aid Declaration as it enables the Cathedral to claim back the tax that you have already paid on the money that you are giving.
You can give by PayPal directly through this website by going to the Paypal Giving Page.
If it is possible for you to do so, please use a form of payment directly to the Cathedral bank account in order to avoid payment fees on PayPal.
If you would like details of how to give by other methods, please contact the Cathedral Office to be put in touch with the Gift Aid Recorder, Alan McCulloch.
Thank you for your offering. If you usually put cash on the plate, please, if you can, find a way of giving electronically at this time to enable the ministry of the Cathedral to continue.
Organ Voluntary
Young Church
The following videos have been prepared for members of the Young Church by Rosemary Hannah & Sophie Agrell. Subtitles are provided; click on CC (Close Captions) on the video.
Song for Young Church and Choristers
A Lucernarium for Easter
A candle-lighting liturgy for use at home during the COVID-19 pandemic
Find the Order of Service along with a downloadable PDF with musical responses here.
Provide a Flame for Pentecost
For the Day of Pentecost, we’re asking folk to send us flames.
You can download the flame graphic here, or you can draw this flame on your own. Once you’ve got the drawing, added optional colours or any other elements to suit, take a photograph of it (maybe with you in it, if you want) and send it to
On the Day of Pentecost, we’ll feature these pictures in the Cathedral’s Online Worship and see tongues of fire resting on God’s people from around the world.
Deadline: Thursday 28 May 2020
Health, Mental Health and Climate Chage
The following podcast is the first of four talks curated by St Mary’s connected to the theme of Climate Change and was released this week. More details on
Welcome card and feedback
If you are finding a way into this congregation and would like to make contact, please use the Welcome Card which can be found online here:
If you would like to contact the Provost and the Vice Provost to give feedback on this worship or for any other reason, please use the following form.
If you wish to join the cathedral electronic mailing list to receive futher details about the online worship please do so at this sign-up page:
Please share this page and these resources widely on social media and in any other ways you can think of.
Safeguarding Information
Safeguarding information can be found on the Safeguarding Page
Online Worship for 17 May 2020
The worship for 17 May 2020 can be found in several videos:
- Three videos that form a service of Holy Communion
- Videos for members of the Young Church and their households
- A candle lighting liturgy for use in the home
As access to the cathedral building is restricted, this week’s worship takes the form of a house eucharist hosted by the Provost from his home. Other voices come from members of the congregation, some of whom are self-isolating at home. This Sunday’s sermon is preached by Sister Helena Barrett OSB. Uche Nwachukwu reads the Gospel, Pat Bennett leads the Intercessions, and the organ voluntary, Buxtehude’s Praeludium in C (BuxWV 138) is played by Steven McIntyre on the organ at Dunblane Cathedral. Robert Guthrie sings the Gloria and Sanctus from the plainsong mass Missa cum jubilo. Music at communion is ‘Jesu, Joy Of Man’s Desiring’ by J.S. Bach played by Les and Rona MacLeod.
Download a PDF transcript of the service here:
Online Worship – 17 May 2020 – 6 Easter
The Gathering
The Ministry of the Word
If you would like to make a financial contribution to enable this ministry, please do so.
To give to St Mary’s directly from your bank account, please set up payments to the Clydesdale Bank, sort code 82-20-00 account number 30185232, account name “Cathedral Church of St Mary the Virgin”.
To set up a standing order, please fill in a Bank Standing Order and send it to your bank. If you are a UK tax payer, please also fill in a Gift Aid Declaration as it enables the Cathedral to claim back the tax that you have already paid on the money that you are giving.
You can give by PayPal directly through this website by going to the Paypal Giving Page.
If it is possible for you to do so, please use a form of payment directly to the Cathedral bank account in order to avoid payment fees on PayPal.
If you would like details of how to give by other methods, please contact the Cathedral Office to be put in touch with the Gift Aid Recorder, Alan McCulloch.
Thank you for your offering. If you usually put cash on the plate, please, if you can, find a way of giving electronically at this time to enable the ministry of the Cathedral to continue.
Young Church
The following videos have been prepared for members of the Young Church by Rosemary Hannah & Sophie Agrell. Subtitles are provided; click on CC (Close Captions) on the video.
A Lucernarium for Easter
A candle-lighting liturgy for use at home during the COVID-19 pandemic
Find the Order of Service along with a downloadable PDF with musical responses here.
Welcome card and feedback
If you are finding a way into this congregation and would like to make contact, please use the Welcome Card which can be found online here:
If you would like to contact the Provost and the Vice Provost to give feedback on this worship or for any other reason, please use the following form.
If you wiash to join the cathedral electronic mailing list to receive futher details about the online worshi pplease do so at this sign-up page:
Please share this page and these resources widely on social media and in any other ways you can think of.