Thursday 17 April – Maundy Thursday
1930 Choral Eucharist with washing of feet, stripping of the altar and vigil
Friday 18 April – Good Friday
0930 Liturgy of the Cross
1200 Three hour devotion
1930 ‘The Crucifixion’ – Sir John Stainer
Saturday 19 April
0930 Morning Prayer
1000 Church spring cleaning – jobs for everyone
Sunday 20 April 2014 – Easter Day
0730 Vigil Mass including Easter Fire, Baptism and Confirmation
Presiding: The Rt Rev Gregor Duncan
1030 Choral Eucharist
Presiding: The Very Rev Kelvin Holdsworth
Preaching: The Very Rev Kelvin Holdsworth
1830 Festal Choral Evensong
Presiding: The Rev Cedric Blakey
Daily Prayer takes place from Monday to Saturday at 0930 in church online evening prayer takes place on Saturday at 1700 in a Google Hangout
A said midweek Eucharist takes place every Thursday at 1100.