The church is open at service times.
Wednesday 18 February 2015 – Ash Wednesday
1230 Said Eucharist with the Imposition of Ashes
1930 Choral Eucharist with the Imposition of Ashes
Thursday 19 February 2015
1230 The Open Silence
Saturday 21 February 2015
1100 Eucharist for Change
Sunday 22 February 2015 – Lent 1
0830 Said Eucharist (1970)
Presiding: The Very Rev Kelvin Holdsworth
1030 Sung Eucharist
Presiding: The Very Rev Kelvin Holdsworth
Preaching: The Rev Prof John Riches
1830 Choral Evensong
Presiding: The Very Rev Kelvin Holdsworth
Daily Prayer takes place from Monday to Saturday at 0930 in church. A said midweek Eucharist takes place every Thursday at 1100.