Online Survey – August 2020 Congregational Survey - August 2020 A re-opening plan is currently being devised by members of the Vestry that will be submitted to Bishop Kevin in order to seek permission to re-establish some services in the cathedral building. The Scottish Government and the Scottish Episcopal Church require such things as hand sanitizer being available and used, 2 meter distancing in church, face masks being worn and clear protocols about entering and leaving the building and about receiving communion. At the moment, music can only be from instruments that are not blown by the mouth and only one singer is permitted. After a service a congregation is required to disperse. Church buildings have to be cleaned before and after use. Services are likely to be shorter than our busiest services used to be and will be limited to 50 people in the building at any one time. It is clear that not everyone who used to attend the cathedral in person will feel able to come to services at the moment and some form of online worship will continue. Initially provision will focus on Sunday worship and services to allow the baptisms of those who have been waiting to be baptised. Re-opening other services and activities will be a gradual process. The re-opening activities will be kept under review and the pattern of what is possible in church will depend on the levels of the covid crisis, government and church guidelines and the capacity of both members of staff and volunteers. This survey is to help in planning the next few months. Please fill in this survey for yourself as an individual. If there is anyone else in your household who relates to St Mary's then please ask them to fill it in themselves. Online Worship I have engaged with the Cathedral's weekly offering of Online Worship Yes, regularly Yes, occasionally I tried but then I stopped No, not at all Comments about engagement with Online Worship I find the online worship nourishes me spiritually Strongly Agree Agree Neither Agree nor Disagree Disagree Strongly Disagree Comments on whether the online worship is nourishing spiritually I will continue to engage with Online Worship, even when the building re-opens for public worship Strongly Agree Agree Neither Agree nor Disagree Disagree Strongly Disagree Comments on continuing to engage with Online Worship even when the building re-opens It is important for Online Worship to be a service of Holy Communion Strongly Agree Agree Neither Agree nor Disagree Disagree Strongly Disagree Comments on whether it is important for Online Worship to be a service of Holy Communion I am willing to contribute videos to Online Worship Strongly Agree Agree Neither Agree nor Disagree Disagree Strongly Disagree Comments on willingness to contribute to online worship I have watched the Young Church videos Yes, I watch them regularly Yes, I watch them regularly with a young person Yes, I watch them occasionally Yes, I watch them occasionally with a young person No Comments on Young Church videos Which of the following have you engaged with (check all that apply) Podcasts with Debbie Lewer CLIMATECHANGE Podcasts Mini Forum Conversations with the clergy Book Club Hymns/anthems Online Evening Prayer on a Saturday Choir practice OtherOther Comments on podcasts, forums, book club, hymns, choir practice, online evening prayer etc I have engaged with Online Worship from other congregations Yes, regularly Yes, occasionally I did for a while but then I stopped No Which Online Worship have you been engaging with? How often do you attend? What have you liked or disliked about what you have seen? Re-opening for Public Worship If there were worship in church in the next few weeks I would want to attend services I wouldn't want to attend services I don't know whether I would want to attend services What would make you more or less likely to attend services in church? Before the Covid crisis, I attended St Mary's... Most Weeks Once or twice a month Less frequently than once a month Never OtherOther Other questions and comments Please use this box to ask questions or make any other comments not covered by the previous questions. Submit this survey Name * Email * Confirm Email * I consent to data that I have provided being processed in accordance with the cathedral's privacy policy. (Version 1.1) * YES The cathedral's privacy policy can be found at Submit