Sunday Services
9 am – Plainsong Eucharist
11 am – Sung Eucharist
5 pm – Choral Evensong
There is no need to book or reserve a place. Just turn up.
Online worship is also available each week on this page.
Sunday Services
9 am – Plainsong Eucharist
11 am – Sung Eucharist
5 pm – Choral Evensong
There is no need to book or reserve a place. Just turn up.
Online worship is also available each week on this page.
Lent 3
0830 Said Eucharist (1970)
1030 Sung Eucharist (1982)
1830 Choral Evensong
Lent 2
0810 BBC4 Radio Broadcast Service
1030 Sung Eucharist (1982)
1830 Choral Evensong
Lent 1 – Sunday 1 March 2020
0830 Holy Communion (1970)
1030 Sung Eucharist (1982)
1830 Choral Evensong
Ash Wednesday – 26 February 2020
12.30 pm Eucharist with Imposition of Ashes
7.30 pm Choral Eucharist with Imposition of Ashes
(Celebrant – Bishop Mark)
Epiphany 7 – 1 March 2020
0830 Holy Communion (1970)
1030 Sung Eucharist (1982)
1830 Choral Evensong
Epiphany 6
0830 Holy Communion (1970)
1030 Sung Eucharist (1982)
1400 Igbo/English Language Holy Communion
1830 Choral Evensong
Epiphany 5
0830 Holy Communion (1970)
1030 Sung Eucharist (1982)
1830 Choral Evensong
0830 Holy Communion (1970)
1030 Sung Eucharist (1982)
1830 Choral Evensong
Epiphany 3
0830 Holy Communion (1970)
1030 Sung Eucharist (1982)
1830 Choral Evensong
Epiphany 2
0830 Holy Communion (1970)
1030 Sung Eucharist (1982)
1830 Choral Evensong